This notice contains the key information about how and why LCCC collects your child’s personal information and what we do with that information.
Personal information is information that identifies your child as an individual and relates to your child for example their date of birth and address, as well as information about how your child is doing and medical details and behaviour records. Photos and video of your child also count as their personal information.
Who Processes your information?
The Chairperson of LCCC is the data controller of the personal information you provide to us. They determine the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data relating to children and their families is to be processed.
In some cases your data may be shared with a third party, this will only be done with your consent unless the law requires us to share your child’s data.
The data controller can be contacted via larneccc@gmail.com
The person responsible for data protection within the centre is the centre manager who can be contacted at larneccc@gmail.com.
How do we collect your information
We collect information from you via a variety of sources, including when you apply and fill out an enrolment form, when you call, write, e-mail or meet with us or respond to a survey.
We may use recordings or photography to capture memories for you and your children, at events, in the centre or on trips. These photos may be used for general marketing or publicity but will only be used in this way with your prior consent.
Why is collected?
We are a community organisation that delivers services for the local area. We retain personal information needed for the efficient running of the organisation. The personal data of children and their families is collected and used for the following reasons:
- To support learning
- To monitor progress
- To safeguard children
- To comply with the law
- To assess our service
The categories of information that the centre collects, holds and uses include the following:
- Personal Information- e.g. names, addresses, dates of birth
- Attendance Information
- Relevant medical information
- Special Educational needs information
Ways in which we may use your child’s personal information:
We collect information to help the centre run properly, safely and to let others know what we do here. For example:
- We need to tell all appropriate members of staff if your child is allergic to something or might need extra help with some tasks
- We may need to report some of your child’s information with the government e.g. we may need to tell tax credits that your child attends or let authorities know if we have concerns about a child’s welfare.
- We may need information about court orders relating to your child. This is so we can safeguard your child’s welfare and wellbeing.
- Personal information about your child so we can care for your child and contact you in an emergency.
- Medical information needed to inform relevant staff so they can care for your child
- With prior consent we may use photos or videos of your child on our social media sites or information leaflets to advertise what we do.
- We may put articles and photographs in the local news to tell people about what we have been doing
Our legal grounds for using your information
This section contains information about the legal basis we are relying on when handling your child’s information.
Legitimate Interest– This means that the processing is necessary for legitimate interests. We are a registered charity that is run for the benefit of the local community. We rely on a legitimate interests for most of the ways in which we use your child’s information. Specifically we have a legitimate interest in
- caring for your child
- Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children
- Promoting the interests of the centre
- Facilitating the efficient operation of the centre
- Ensuring that all legal obligations are complied with
Legal Obligation– Where we need to use your child’s information in order to comply with a legal obligation, e.g. to report a concern to children’s services. We may also have to disclose information to third parties such as social services.
Consent – To protect the vital interests of a child if injured or harmed where the person with parental responsibility has given us permission to share information with medical staff and act on their behalf.
The centre must also comply with an additional condition where it processes special categories of personal information such as health information.
Personal information is stored and managed within Larne Community Care Centre, these systems are maintained to achieve a high level of confidentiality, integrity and availability. We hold information on our IT systems which may be copied for back-up, archiving and disaster recovery purposes. All data is held within the UK.
How long do we keep your child’s information?
In accordance with data protection LCCC does not store all your personal data indefinitely; your personal data is only stored for as long as is necessary to complete the task for which it is originally collected. We retain your information for no longer than is necessary to comply with UK Law. For example we must keep certain financial information as required HMRC for a period of 7 years.
We may keep information for a very long time or even indefinitely for historical purposes such as photographs.
Will my information be shared?
LCCC is required to share certain information with statutory and voluntary agencies such as our funder and in the event of a medical emergency we may share data with a medical professional. We also share employee data with HMRC and our pension company and directors information with Companies House.
However we will not share your child’s personal information with third parties without your consent, unless the law allows us to do so.
We do not share your personal data with any country outside of the EU.
Your rights/Requesting access to your child’s personal data
Under data protection legislation, you have the right to have your personal data rectified or erased. You have the right to restrict or object to how we use your personal data and you have the right to data portability. You also have the right to request access to information about you that we hold. To make a request for personal information please contact us via larneccc@gmail.com or speak to the centre manager. The centre will on a regular basis share data update forms with you to ensure that our records are accurate and up to date. Please speak to a member of staff if you require us to update any information that we hold about you or your child.
If you have a concern about the way Larne Community Care centre is collecting or using your personal data you have the right to complain, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioners Office at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/
The consequences of failing to provide your data
If you do not provide us with you or your child’s personal information we cannot provide you with our services.
The existence of automated decision making, including profiling, as well as the anticipated consequences for the data subject
We do not take part in any auto-mated decision making or profiling.